Good new, in native holidays(parties) they him(her) met everything, danced cumbia and cueca. It if uvieron many accidents and between(among) them several dead men but it was not a motive for continuing celebrating the native holidays with pies antipooches etc. The people gososa celebrava and celebrava consumia and consumia fritters but they were not stopping of gosar and celebrating the first meeting of Chilean government.
What I spend(pass) in holidays(parties) patrías.What step was that I was going to go with my dad to the ramadas, and it turns out that I joust on September 18 amaneci with minuscule pain of wadding but that despue I get bigger and it(he,she) was unbearable so my dad me pipe that to lead to the relay and aí I spend(pass) to myself. And despues the doctor said to me that I cannot eat fritters (pies, antipooches etc).Then equal I went to the ramadas and fearfully comi fritters but I do not pass at all.And what I spend(pass) in native holidays(parties), was that there was a military stop in Santiago in which up to the Chairwoman desfili everything was very nice though the curaguillas were not absent but equal all his(her,your) pies and the children ate up equally for that estavan of vacations.And this was a trbajo for Englishman of computation.
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